Humanity is a mix of all nations and religions

Humanity today is a mix of many different nations and religions.
They all wait for their messiahs and worship their gods but the question is;
are there really so many different gods for every religion and nation?
Are there many messiahs to come out there?
If the Humanity was One Family in the Begining and there was One God
as the Creator of the First Man, than there is One Messiah too for All.
This means that there will not come many messiahs as nations and religious comunities are waiting for, but just One Messiah for All of them.

This means that there is One God over All nations and religions.
In the past humans have believed and worshiped many gods, many messiahs.
They still believe in them, but now they have to believe and worship to One God, to
One Messiah, who did manifest as many....
It is time to Unite and Change the whole World and restore and rebuild the Temple Earth under the God of All who is the Messiah of All, as the Sun who lights the darkness of the world.

1. Believe in One God who is Creator of All nations, people and religions.
2. Love and care for your human brother anywhere on earth.
3. Dont kill, abuse, torture and steal other human being.
4. Love and care for the Earth, the waters,land and air.
5. Care for animals and plants the same as for yourself.
6. Love God and care for his Creation, not destroy it.
7. Love,care and respect yourself as a creation of the God.
There were many creations and different manifestations of the Creator of the Earth and of the Mankind.
God is the Sun of All who lights there for everyone in every place in this small planet. The Question is:
When will the nations and religious comunities understand the Truth about the King of All, the God of All, the Messiah of All?
It looks like untill now they still wait for many messiahs and worship many gods. If they worship and wait for One,they were all united as a gathered Humanity. The fact is that they are all separated and lost.
They still hate and fight for their gods and messiahs. They even kill each other for them. For how long will the Mankind , the Evil rebelle?
The Time has come now to GO BACK home;
all different colors must gather as a Big Rainbow ready;
to enter the BRIDGE, where the Rainbow transforms to the Light again
I am the door. I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me. And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things.
"For then I shall turn a clear tongue to the nations to call all in the Name of the Lord and to worship him with one shoulder."
How is this? The entire world had become filled with the issues of the Anointed One and of the Torah and the Laws, and these issues had spread out unto faraway islands and among many nations uncircumcised in the heart, and they discuss these issues and the Torah's laws. They say: These Laws were true but are already defunct in these days, and do not rule for the following generations; whereas the other ones say: There are secret layers in them and they are not to be treated literally, and the Messiah had come and revealed their secret meanings.
When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.
O you gates lift them up, you ancient doors
that the King of glory may come in
Who is he, this King of glory ?
The LORD Almighty— he is the King of glory
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The God is the Messiah of All.
There is no other king, but the King of All Creation. He is everywhere in it.There is noone to tell to the God of all that dont need his Light and Change. No one can show to the God of All the books and the words written in them.No one can worship the man prophets or messiahs over the God of All. There is no servant,man or god who is higher than the King of All.
The Time has come for all nations and religions, doesn't matter what color are they from, to gather as a World of Babylon, as big Rainbow and transform to the Light,and leave the Darkness behind.
It's a New Millenium.
It is a New Day.
See the Light.
Wake Up now.
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