New Earth
There are many different kinds of world governments that have been proposed. An argument often brought up in support of world government is that such an institution could have the power to prevent wars and establish world peace. Critics tend to focus on the question of whether world peace under the authority of a single government is a desirable goal.

World peace is a future ideal of freedom, peace and happiness among and within all nations. The realization of world peace may also make the idea of individual nations obsolete.Some historians identify a long-term trend where nation-states stop fighting and become united.

The word paradise is derived from the Avestan word of pairidaeza (a walled enclosure), which is a compound of pairi- (around), a cognate of the Greek peri-, and -diz (to create, make). Sources as early as Xenophon in his Anabasis report the famed Persian "paradise" garden. The form of the word that is now understood as "heaven" or "something immensely pleasurable" is derived from the Greek paradeisos used in the Septuagint to mean the Garden of Eden. In the New Testament paradise meant a paradise restored on earth.

The Paradise is something to come, but humans are not ready for it.
The servants who took and hold the Throne and the Crown of the Kingdom on Earth are not going to leave their position. They love it, they engoy it.They engoy slaving others servants who work and fight for them as the Army of the Rebelle servants who dont want thee KING to come back in the Scene and take the Throne and the Crown, the Temple and the Kingdom from the lowest servants and thiefs.
The Question is: Will there be a Paradise?
Will there be a New Kingdom, a New Temple?
Will the Rebelle Servants rule and destroy forever the KING's HOME?
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