Messiah and the World Government under one God

A hundred years ago, there were very few demo- cracies and the idea of universal human rights did not exist. Even in the last two decades alone there have been a remarkable unification of political value systems: Liberal capitalistic democracy designed to guarantee basic human rights obtained a nearly universal support as the desired form of governance; International border disputes all but disappeared; Mass media became global, beaming detailed, uncensored, news stories to the most remote corners of the world;
The Internet is providing free flow of idea, views and information between people of all nations, and the volume of international trade is growing exponentially. If the will to strengthen the current governance system towards a World Government would be strong enough, most of the WG characteristics could be in place in two or three decades.
Self interests of governments and nations would act to sabotage all attempts to establish World Government. Powerful countries, for example, would not agree to limit their freedom to act by subjecting their plans for approval by other countries. Furthermore, it is enough for a single government not to join, or comply with, a disarmament plan for the plan to collapse.
Support for World Government
is rooted in mundialism, the view that all humans are interdependent members of a single global community, and humanism, the view that all humans, regardless of ethnic and national association, deserve an equal degree of dignity and respect.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is often referenced as the best expression of the most fundamental values motivating WG supporters.
A key motivator for seeking WG is the desire to see wars and the threat of a nuclear holocaust permanently eliminated. Other motivators include the establishment of more effective mechanisms to guarantee basic human rights everywhere, and to address trans-national issues, such as the deterioration of the environment, global warming, pandemic, trans-national terrorism and crime, etc. The rapid increases in international trade, communication and travel over the last few decades have resulted in corresponding increases in inter-dependency between nations.
Against the World Government
WG would require establishing a substantial and expensive bureaucracy. A global parliament representing six billion constituents or a global "cabinet" of government agencies would require substantial staffing. Such bureaucracy would be so far removed from the electorate or employed through patronage, it is more likely than not to be corrupt, inefficient, and to cater mostly to the powerful and rich who would solely have the means to influence decisions on such a huge scale.
The establishment of WG will accelerate the creations of a "monoculture", erasing the cultural diversity that enriches the arts and provides humanity with resilience and flexibility.
With global jurisdiction, the laws imposed by a WG would form a type of "global tyranny" from which there is no escape.
Some religious adherents view a world government (and, indeed, powerful international organizations in general) as antithetical to their religious views (e.g. fundamentalist Christians fear it would be organized or governed by the Antichrist, and that it would reenact the Tower of Babel history from Genesis).
If the Messiah of All comes how will he lead the today's world?
The only way to rule over the whole Humanity, the Messiah must create and lead with his World Government all Life on Earth under the God of All nations and religions, the New World Order.
There are people who are blind who lead the rest of the blind to their New World Order. Do they know that what is above is below too? Do they know that after the Night ends a New Day start? Do they know that humans can not do what God only can? Can the Darkness light? Can the blind see ? Can the servant be King and build and lead a New Kingdom ? NO.
Humans can't build and realize the Messiah's Mission; called them humanists or illuminated, internationalists or globalists. They will fight each other in the name of the Money, Man, Nation or in the name of God.
The Big Question is: What about if Messiah of All wants now to create a New Kingdom, the New World Order and rule under the power of the God of All, are the humans going to refuse and rebelle against the Messiah's Mission and the God's Will?
Therefore wait for me, declares the LORD, for the day I will stand up to testify. I have decided to assemble the nations, to gather the kingdoms and to pour out my wrath on them— all my fierce anger. The whole world will be consumed by the fire of my jealous anger.
There is so easy to build the New Earth, New Temple, New Home but the humans can't let it happen.
They are against them.
They are ready to do anything to destroy the Plan and Will of the God of All, the Messiah of All, to bring the real Change and Salvation and Perfection.
Humans hate the Paradise. They love Hell and so they do, they create it in the place and space where the humans, as demons live.
So if the Messiah will show to them, humans will attack Him from all directions, like the Moster with many different legs.
The Question now is:
Who will win the Fight?
The Human Monster or the Messiah's Monster?
The bad news is that Human Monster is already dead, before even the fight starts. So who will fight with the Dead? No one with fight with the Gost. It doesnt even exist.Noone fights with the Shadow.
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