Apocalypse in the terminology of early Jewish and Christian literature, is a revelation of hidden things given by God to a chosen prophet; this term is more often used to describe the written account of such a revelation.
Apocalypse (Greek: αποκαλυψις, disclosure), is a term applied to the disclosure to certain privileged persons of something hidden from the mass of humankind.
Apocalypse technically refers to the unveiling of God, in his guise as the Messiah, and not to all of the destruction of the world which will accompany God's Revelation of Himself to Humankind.
The Apocalypse is primarily a Prophecy usually with a distinctly religious aim, intended to show God's way of dealing with men, and His ultimate purposes. The writer presents, sometimes very vividly, a picture of coming events, especially those connected with the end of the present age.

The apocalyptic quality is seen again in the frequent use of a mystifying symbolism. This is most strikingly illustrated in the well-known cases where gematria is employed for the sake of obscuring the writer's meaning; thus, the mysterious name "Taxo," the "number of the beast," 666,(Earth travels around the sun once a year with speed at 66,600 mph, and Milky Way is moving around into Space at 600 km per second)
In recent times the designation apocalyptic literature, or apocalyptic, has commonly been used to include all the various portions of the Jewish and Christian Scriptures, whether canonical or apocryphal, in which eschatological predictions are given in the form of a revelation.
In English, the word apocalypse now commonly refers to the End of the world. The current meaning may be an ellipsis of the phrase apokalupsis eschaton (apocalyptic eschatology), meaning "revelation of knowledge of the end of time".
Eschatology (from the Greek έσχατος meaning "last" + -logy) is a part of theology and philosophy concerned with the final events in the history of the world or the ultimate destiny of human kind, commonly phrased as the end of the world. In many religions, the end of the world is a future event prophesied in sacred texts or folklore. More broadly, eschatology may encompass related concepts such as the Messiah or Messianic Age,
Hindu traditional prophecies, as described in the Puranas and several other texts, say that the world shall fall into chaos and degradation. There will then be a rapid influx of perversity, greed and conflict, and this state has been described as:
"When deceit falsehood, lethargy, sleepiness, violence, despondency, grief, delusion, fear, and poverty prevail ... when men, filled with conceit, consider themselves equal with the Brahmins...that is the Kali Yuga."
This is followed by the appearance of an avatar, "The Lord shall manifest Himself as the Kalki Avatar...He will establish righteousness upon the earth and the minds of the people will become as pure as crystal...As a result, the Sat or Krta Yuga (golden age) will be established."
In Judaism, the end of the world is called the acharit hayamim (end of days). Tumultuous events will overturn the old world order, creating a new order in which God is universally recognized as the ruler over everyone and everything.
Tribal leaders of the Hopi tribe, such as Dan Evehama, Thomas Banyaca and Martin Gashwaseoma prophecize that the coming of the white man signals the end times. The Pahana or "True White Brother" would then return to plant the seeds of wisdom in people's hearts, and thus usher in the dawn of the Fifth World.
According to an Ogalala - or Sioux medicine man - "darkness would descend over the tribe...the world would be out of balance. Floods, fires and earthquakes would then ensue."
Zoroastrianism eschatology is the oldest eschatology in recorded history. By 500 BC, Zoroastrians had fully developed a concept of the end of the world through a divine devouring in fire. The world will reach perfection as poverty, old age, disease, thirst, hunger and death are halted. Zoroastrian concepts parallel greatly with those of Jewish, Christian, and Islamic eschatological beliefs, largely due to the influence Zoastrianism exerted on Judaism whilst the Levant was under Achaemenid control and the subsequent emergence of Christianity and Islam from Judaism.
Millennialism is also a doctrine of Zoroastrianism concerning successive thousand-year periods, each of which will end in a cataclysm of heresy and destruction, until the final destruction of evil and of the spirit of evil by a triumphant king of peace at the end of the final millennial age .
In the wake of early millennial thinking, the Three Ages philosophy (Drei-Reiche-Lehre) developed. Making use of the dogma of the Trinity, the Italian monk and theologian Joachim of Fiore (d. 1202) claimed that all of human history was a succession of three ages:
1. the Age of the Father (the Old Testament)
1. the Age of the Son (the New Testament)
3. the Age of the Holy Spirit (the age of love, peace, and freedom)
The sending of the Holy Spirit, the Son of Man is clearly exhibited in Dan. vii. 13, in the words, "I was seeing in the vision of the night, and behold there was coming with clouds of heavens like a Son of Man.
Light of the SUN - the Son of God
The number 366, like the geometrical symbol the Hexagram, is characteristic of the Sun. (The number of days it takes for the earth to make one complete circuit through the zodiac is 365.25)
The early Babylonian division of the annual Solar cycle by the six celestial animals is not an isolated example of the Sun's association with the number six, many other cultures of the world also describe the Sun as being six-natured. The Hebrews used the Hexagram as a symbol of God and a seal of protection and is frequently referred to as “Solomon’s Shield”, or “Solomon’s Seal”.
Son of Man is coming "in the clouds" in the times of the Judgment. This sign will remind of the beginning of the Judgment Day - a world-wide natural catastrophe. He comes as the Messiah of the Millennium.
The Time is now and many people can feel that something is happening. But they can't see, because they are sleeping. When they wake up they will see the Light.
Millenarian groups typically claim that the current society and its rulers are corrupt, unjust, or otherwise wrong. They therefore believe they will be destroyed soon by a powerful force.