ATLANTIS which the whole world was looking for so long was maybe the Island of Atlan or Atlas, the Land which was located in the Southern world. There are many different islands in the South.
There is still a big island in that part of the world now that we call AUSTRALIA.

There is even the name Atlas (in it).
People knew all the time that there were some mysterious southern lands ; many islands. From these beautiful parts of the World, a Great Civilization maybe was relocated and rebuild later in many other parts of the world like Asia, Africa, Europe, and Americas.
<Post Atlantian Civilizations
- Sun moving to the Upper World>
For that we find today in the world so many similarities in the old civilizations that were build as the branches of the same Old Root, the Highest Civilization of the Golden Age , before the Leo's Age, 13.000 years ago. Many people have still planted in their mind the Lost Paradise's ideas of Time.
But we are not that lost at all. The Earth's Oldest Paradise did not loose.
Paradise lives still and we find the remains of the Old Southernlands; in Australia, New Zeland and many other islands around them as far east as the Pacific Ocean and south; in Antarctica. Where they all together as one continet which later was destroyed ? Were they separated ?
Because of the Great Earth's Changes and the Big Natural Destractions the people of these beautiful islands, moved to the North,West and far to the East. That is the reason that the similar Civilization "models" did show later everywhere in Asia, Africa, Europe and Americas. The people moved to the closest lands, like India and Somalia, and later they moved far to the Midle East and Egypt, Greece and Italy were the main civilizations of these advanced people were build.
They spread to other directions too, deep to EuroAsia and as far as the Americas. Did this red-olive skin people contact and mix with the white, yellow and black people to changed them and their life forever? Or did they split and they spread everywhere to create so many different races; many people and nations?
After many generations most of the people of the Lost Land did forget about their past. But they never lost their contact with the Southern World.
Some of them did visit it, like Phonicians and Egyptians who often traveled to the remains of the Old World; in Australia and other Southern islands. They did return to the forgoten lands of the Southern World, and not just them but the others too,who still knew where they had come from, who knew that there was still a Big Island somewhere in the south.
People did go there from all different directions; from the Mediterain Sea, passing around Africa (Atlantic Ocean) and from the Read Sea, South Asia, Africa and the Pacific Islands.
The world was in the past the land of the Giants too, who did help people to build many Giant Contractions in the Atlantis and in the other lands. This mysterious round shaped Island (continent) was called the Sunland, the God's Land.
Did the RedLand's people maybe mix with other people; Asians, Africans and Europeans to come back again one day as a mixed Race to the Land where the Golden Age's Experience, Knowledge and the Great Human Civilization has come from? Or they were One Race in the Begining? Today people still ask: where has lost that Big and Mysterious Island and Civilization called Atlantis?
Was there a Single Big Land where all continets were created from?
Did the God's Land, the Holy Spirit's Land, the Oldest Earth's Paradise exist in the Past ( 13.000 - 26.000 ago or more) ?
Maybe Yes or maybe No. But there is something going on now about the New World Order, its big oposition and there is a big change going on in the growing of the inventions of the new free energies and communications. The Big Changes are coming; in minds, spirits and bodies of the human beings in this planet.
Is the world, the earth turning now upside down ?

New Kingdom and the Rebuilding of the Temple Earth
We humans are and must be as the rays of the Light of the God, one with Him.
God is the only Existence and the images of his parts are all his. This means that the people that are called the Elite and other people who work to transform the world to their New World Order Plan, and their opposite are all in the Hands of the God. But there will be a third power, in which the real New World Order Plan is different from that of the humans today. That is the real Design of the Creation of the New Earth,New Temple, New Kingdom of the God in the Present.
Humans will all contribute in this Creation and lead so by the real Power and King; the God of All. There is only God in charge of the New System where the Citizen governs himself. The other governments govern themselves by considering that God is everywhere, as above is below, from the Unlimited Universe to the human, the individual creature, the citizen.
As God's images we must act as God, with our spirits,minds,and bodies so we can be One with our God, inside whom we are as parts, as images. To do that we must start working to create a New World and Civilization, New Big Change and Transformation, a New Rebirth on Earth, to rebuild so again our Holy Temple. We must start creating the new world cities, and intercities. There is no other salvation for us, but rebuilding the Earth, the New Garden of Eve.
Around these new cities there will be created new man made big gardens and zoos, which will be a natural (Nature) design copy(wild). The cities will be parts of the Supercities, which will have around wild and big natural zoos and gardes too.
The Supercities will be created in all lands, dry and wet to mosture them enough and controll so the climat and temperature,weather and life of plants,animals and humans.Some of the hills and mountains will change and the new lands will be created, with new rivers, new water chanels using salt water of the oceans and seas and redusing their salts.
New super highways and highways will connect the new world cities and the buildings of the human activities and food production, and highways will connect the new gardens and zoos created around eacch city to care so more about the plants and animals. New Tecknology and other production of goods will be created far from the cities and underground, mostly by robots, working 24 hours. The beaches and natural parks will be protected and clean and monitored all the time, so people will travel and have contact with nature. The same thing will happen with underwater world. These big changes and new constructions and transformations will be easy to start now in waste lands without destroying the Old Civilization and System. So the whole face of the earth will change and be design in a perfect way for the life of all humans,animals and plants and other natural creations on the planet. The Time has come to Rebuild the whole Earth.
Wheel of the Zodiacs - the Wheel of Life
There were 12 signs in the Past in the calendars but there was an Eagle in stand of Scorpius and Ophiuchus. In stand of these two must be the Eagle or there can be 13 Signs in the Calendar to connect again with the Sky, the Universe, Heaven; the God of All.
As Christ was in the center of the 12 followers and the 13th person in the group, as begining (nr 1) and the end of that circle of men, so are the zodiacs, so are the tribes of Israel, so are all those who show as 12 but are infact 13 parts of a wheel or a circle. Nr 12 as many parts of the 360 grade circle is wrong because there is not a perfect sphere-wheel, but the same as that of the Earth's shape. The best calculation is a Zodiac wheel with 13 signs, and a yearly calendar with 13 months, a full Earth circle time around the Sun calculated in 13 parts, not 12 parts. The 26.000 years circle is made of 13 parts too,not 12. In all these groups of 13, there is a center and a special 13nth part, which start and finish each circle, as a key which open and close the gates between the circles, which just repeat their movements nonstop.The 13th part which is so mysterious to us and which we have taken out of our world is the God's part. So we have called ourself god and have rebelled to the real God, who is the one who is in the (wheel) center of the circle.
The story of Jesus, old or new story, has told the story of the Universal Christ, who was the God's breath, the Holy Spirit inside the Jesus's body. Those who dont believe in Christ and let him out the Wheel's life, ignore something that can not be ignored, the presence of the God as the one who run the Chariot of Fire, the Wheel of Life, the Wheel of the History.
God's Fire is inside the Earth and it is inside the Sun who circles, moves from East to West non stop. Sun is the 13th and all others are just his shadows, his masks, his images, his steps, different points of his path. But how can we love his shadows and not the one who lights? How can we love the light and not love the source, the Sun who give to us his light, the life? How can we worship the stone statue instand of the real being for which the statue was build for?
God is the Universal Light,Word,Messiah,Christ and He is everywhere in the Wheel of the Life.
The Real Sun Signs
There are thirteen signs or constellations against which the Sun is seen to move, as seen from the Earth. The Real Solar Zodiac dates move forward by about one full day every 70 years because of the Movement of the Ages.
12-Mar to the 18-Apr
19-Apr to the 13-May
14-May to the 19-Jun
20-Jun to the 20-Jul
21-Jul to the 9-Aug
10-Aug to the 15-Sep
16-Sep to the 30-Oct
31-Oct to the 22-Nov
23-Nov to the 29-Nov
30-Nov to the 17-Dec
18-Dec to the 18-Jan
19-Jan to the 15-Feb
16-Feb to the 11-Mar
The Age of Aquarius starts now and the Sun's Chariot moves to Light in the New Circle of the Wheel of Life.
In the past all the calendars were not really showing the real position of the Sun in each Sign or Constellation in the Sky. So there is a need now for a new Calendar and a new zodiac wheel, which changes all the time; and it can never be a fixed one. As in the Past, now are still only 12 signs, but there will be 13 signs (or the Eagle Sign 23 Nov-17 Dec).
So the months will be long and exact as the number of the days when the sun moves from one constellation (sign) to another. The Sun is in the center stage, because its dominance is like a Powerful Energy which gives Light and Life to the whole Solar System Family, Earth and other planets. The Sun can not be ignored as a Main Source of our Past Life. And so the stars and Sky.
Without the Sun there can not be a Solar System and everything present in it, everything that was and will be present on Earth. Sun is like a symbol of the God of All in a small space (world) where we huamns live in the Unlimited Universe.
And there is no God apart from me, a righteous God and a Savior; there is none but me.
"Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.
By myself I have sworn,my mouth has uttered in all integrity a word that will not be revoked: Before me every knee will bow; by me every tongue will swear.
They will say of me, 'In the LORD alone are righteousness and strength.' All who have raged against him will come to him and be put to shame.
The Sun's closest planet Mercury and Venus are like the twins messengers who are like watchmens, signs which notice us about the Sun's Coming in the Morning
They are like two (silver and gold) keys, which we find present in all ages:
keys which open the Horizon's Doors, the Sun Circle's gates; the Wheel 's entrance and exit
The 'messenger' is generally described as wearing the clothes of a shepherd. He has winged sandals and 'sometimes' a winged hat. Mercury and Venus are close to the power of the sun, very much influenced by its dictates.
There are two gates in East and West, where the Sun comes and leaves as a King who dominates two worlds, upper and under (present) world.
Both worlds are parts of One World, One Wheel. Our Mind and Spirit 'look' different, but they are the same in their foundation; in their Energy. The image of the Energy looks like Matter (from a small particle in microcosmos to a big Image of the Matter in Macrocosmos).
The Fact is that there is no Matter(Body), No Mind, No Spirit, but just the Energy of an Unlimited Nothing which looks like Everything; like different illusions, different images. -----------------------------
Human Image - Where did it come from?
If you see humans as (dust) a production of earth and sun's energy, the iron and hydrogen reaction, you find out that human is just an image of the combination of elements and compounds like oxygen,and other chemicals and minerals produced in the outlayer of the earth's iron crust and waters, created by the sun and earth's 'union' (which are like father and mother to us). All the different images that we see on earth like rock, minerals, land, sand, waters, air, plants, animals, humans are nothing more but productions of the sun's energy (hydrogen) and the earth's iron lava (heat), and the energy of the microcosmos of the space between the sun and earth. So humans are like magnetic particle energies produced by the magnetic fields of sun, earth and that of the space (which looks like a dark matter in the Universe). We are part of the cool layer's 'world' created by union of the heat of the sun and that of earth. This small universal and colorful
mixed world was created slow or fast, doesn't matter. Humans are still fighting each other for the idea of the time of the creation of this world of images; was it created in one hour ( like a fast big bang), in one day, in 6 days or 6 billion years? It doesn't matter.
The important is that the small world which is created on the thin top layer of the iron sphere called- Earth, was created by the Sun's Energy. And who created the Earth and the Sun's Energy? The Universe, the God of All.
Of course the energy particles of the Sun, Earth and the particles of the Universe (God) created all the plants,humans and animals images. Did these images change and create so each other? No. Because the particles of energies are just structured in the different shapes, forms and images that we see (from our point of view). As the humans create example from wood (the same material) the chairs,tables, all furniture, homes, bridges etc. so do these particles of energy of Universe (God) create everything that we see in the world scene. Do humans create from an old table a new chair? Yes they can and so can the unlimited particles of the energies do. Everything can happen. It is part of the Design,Plan,Creation of the world of the whole Universe,Galaxy,Sun and the crust- layer on our earth. This thin layer on top of the planet is the beautiful scene that we see and live, the small world of images and illusions on earth. We were born, grow and we die in it and we never leave it. We are going to be again parts of the dust or mud of the layer of the earth's crust, but some small parts of us, will spread like particles of the (holy) energies in the small world and in the microcosmos inside the magnetic field around the earth and be part of the energy of the space around the planet or beyond. And that's it. We are going nowhere but stay forever around this small space or part of the Universe, untill some black hole sucks the earth and all the space around it. So the truth is that just our human image 'die', but the rest are still there as the small particles of energies.
So the old images go, leave and the new human (or what ever) images come in the small world's scene. This is the Truth about us, as mix of the particles of the Space, and of the 'father' Sun(s' energy) and of the 'mother' Earth ('s crust layer).They are all parts of the Unlimited God. So we are too parts of the God.
These means that there is noone between Man and God. There is no man; called messiah, prophet, holy man, priest or what ever, between the humans and God. No one is instand of God. So all human images are parts of the God, and all of them together may unite their energies and help each other, but they can worship only one God, not only one of his part, but whole the Unlimit Being. Of course all "parts"; all of us, all our world and everything in the Universe, are just some small images because there is nothing that can be compared with the God of All.
God is the Only Unlimited Being, which exists, lives and play all the roles, all images and who is called: I Am. He is the Messiah of All, the Creator and Saviour of All.
He was and is present in every moment in our world in the so called : Wheel of Life, where the full, half, quoter circles started and ended the life of the ages, milleniums, centuries, decades, years, seasons, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds are counting the time of the History of the different images in a small space of the Big Universe, a Universe which lives in the Unlimited Time and Space.
Humans today are separated in many groups who think that they are parts of two opposite camps; God's and AntiGod's, because for them;there are two "divine"superpowers who dominante over humans, over the weak beings, over the blind "sheep".
But the fact is that, God is not two but ONE. Those who think that there are two gods, are looking to two illusions, two images of the same Being, but not to the True One. This means that humans who think and say that there is God and Devil(Satan) are not looking to the real One, to the True God, but to two Images (illusions, lies) and for that, they are separated so in two(or more) enemy camps , to fight each other and to rebelle so against their Creator, against the God's temple, the Earth,their home, against their family, their brother, and against themselves.All are from God, and all are parts of the God, the King of All. Nothing is out of Him.No one can judge the God, the Perfected Beign, specially some small images, humans.
In the Christ's flag is written:
"Love others as you love yourself".These words destroy all evil human's acts. Aren't humans destroing and killing each other and the Temple Earth today?
Those who worship one or the other "image part" of the God, and call one good and other bad, or call one god and other evil (devil), are infact worshiping not the True God, they are not beliving in the Super Power who is the Only Existence and Creator and King. They worship the images. But the Time of the many images has finished. The Truth is that the World Babylon is dead. The different branches are broken. The many paths have ended. There is a Highway outthere in which is no end, as it is no beggining. That is the Highway of the God of All, and noone is yet in it. But they all will enter and walk in it soon. There is no other choice. The Time of the New Day has started and the Highway of the God is still empty. Those who dont show in it means that they refuse to enter in it, means that are lost in the Darkness, or had lost their paths. If the time for the sheep has come to return to the foil and there is one entering the gate yet, it means that the sheep have all lost. How can all the sheep lose? They were one Flock in the Beggining, when they got out their foil, out the gate. They did separate in million flocks and now there is no one to return from all that big flock?! Isn't this a tragedy? Isn't this a comedy? Where did the sheep go? Did the wolves eat them? Did the Satan eat them?How many owners do they have? How many gods do the "human sheep" have? Can we know finally this Truth? It is Time to know it.
The Truth is that God is the creator of all myths, religions, ideologies, sciences, arts, societies, their histories, their civilizations. They are all illusions, images for which we are still fighting for. Will we fight again in the future if we know the Truth that God, the Designer is behind each of them?
There are people who think that they know the Truth, the Knowledge,the Teaching; Old and New. But they are far from the Truth.They are the blind who pretend to lead the blind.
Today is still around idea, the philosophy of matter or spirit as two separate world; materialism and idealism.Others go a step up and mix them and say that they both exist and create life, motion.
Now we should go a new step up again and think different; that there is no matter or spirit, but particles of energies, which are structured to look small and big. The small you dont see and you call it spirit, and the big you see and you call it matter. But they are one. That means that there is not spirit and matter who are in motion with each other, as two or three parts of one single point. The number 2 and 3 dont exist, but just one, one, one,1,1,1, and so on.These means that there are not many gods, or two or three but only One.If you see the one particle from different point of view, you see different images, forms, structures, but they(illusions) are lies. Sun looks like a big star, but when you see it, inside its Milky Galaxy, it looks small and if you move very far, you will not see the Sun anymore. Galaxy will look like a star, and if you move more far from it, you will not see anything and you will say that there is nothing in that dark point of the Universe. So you are going to call the something as nothing, the matter as spirit etc.The same mistake you will do with all images outthere in the Micro and Macrocosmos, which are in fact parts of an Unlimited Universe.This is the Truth about God and us and the world around us.We are parts of the God. We are unlimited in microcosmos inside the borders of our image, but we are limited in the Macrocosmos; outside the border of our human image.So we are and will be half gods, but never as God of All.
One cell in our body is part of our being, but never the whole being, its size, its image.
So the philosophy is to old. If is used is wrong because it is not True, and that is a big problem, because if the materialist use the red glasses and idealist use the blue glasses, and some others use glasses made for one eye red and another blue, to see the reality as a mix color.
It is time to just use, see only with the eyes without any glass in it. And dont even trust the eyes.
But at least you have a tool to see the "real reality" of the world of the images, illusions, lies.
The images, lies are no true and the only True Beign is the God. The Time has come to Know, to Understand the God and ourselves. God is in us and all around us. We can not ignore His Power.
So the stupid old war and the big fight between humans separated in two camps or in the million groups must now stop. It is stupid to hate and die for the images, illusions, lies. The Only Truth outthere is God, who is the Absolute Truth. And the Truth was there always but "we dont see".
The Final Truth for us to know is that there are not two gods(God and Satan), there are not 3,4,5,6 and million gods as we still think, but just ONE KING, and the rest of the gods or evils are only images, which the blind humans see, feel, count, love ,worship, follow, hate, kill, die for, build and destroy. Men do all this stupidity for the images, just for Lies. Men are so far from the Truth. And what is the Only Truth?
That there is only an Absolute God and to talk for other existence is stupid and rebellion(image). The fact is that there is everyone still speaking now for more than one God outthere, isn't it?All religion communities talk for their (many) gods, messiahs, devil, satan or what ever. They are all the same; in their thinking about many gods; two or millions gods doesn't matter. Even when they unite or gather they dont know what is the Truth even if they have come close to home.
They are all blind and they are not looking still to the single Absolute Beign and Truth and King.
The Final Truth is that there is nothing else true but the God and He is the Messiah of All. Can the humans refuse the Truth, the Light, the Word ? Of course NOT. They live in the world of lies, they are all sleeping deep and they refuse the Light of the Sun in the Morning. They hate it.
They are looking to the different images that they watch in their Sleep, in their World of the Darkness, the Night World, the Dead World(Grave). That's enough with the Sleep. It is shaking time. It is the Rebirth. It is Time to Rise from the Grave and Reborn and see and worship ONE GOD and no other image (to love or be scared of). It is Time to Enter to New Reality, New Day, New Kingdom. It is Time to Wake Up. There is a open Door waiting for us.
To Enter in the Door of the New Kingdom, we have no choice but to get 'naked' of all different illusions and images; old and new, good and bad. Forget about the Old Kingdom of the 4 pillars; Water, Earth,Fire and Air. We will enter to the New Kingdom of the One Pillar, who is the Foundation of the New World. Dont look anymore at the top of the Old Tree for the fruit which will become the Seed, because it(the Seed) has been for a long time, down from the Old Tree, and is deep in the Underground, where the Seed has already grow its roots and has 'come up', 'return', to show (its new image) as a New Tree.This Unseeing Process of the Rebirth, Growth, Change and Revelation brings the Big Fall of the dead Old Adam Tree.
The Today's Humanity is a product of the big changes that has happen since the Lost Great Civilization and Paradise. That was the time when humans were like gods. They were so because they were living in the God's Land, closer to their Source of Creation; Perfection and Knowledge. After the Big Destraction happened, the humans did lost their Greatness and Power, Perfection and Knowledge.
For 13.000 years they never reached their Highest Past and Source, the God who lighted them and their Life, the Holy Spirit.
It is the Holy Spirit, the only God, the only Messiah who can change the Long Night to a New Day.
The start of the New Circle will bring the perfection of the Humanity and its Civilization which will be the Rebirth of the Humanity.
Slepping Dragon wakes up:
I am the old dragon found everywhere on the globe of the earth,
father and mother, young and old, very strong and very weak,
death and resurrection, visible and invisible, hard and soft;
I descend into the Earth and ascend into the Heavens,
I am the highest and the lowest, the lightest and the heaviest.
I am dark and light.
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