Yes that is True.
But the Holy Spirit is more than that. Imagine it; as a Single Unlimited Energy which shows everywhere as different lights and colors, from the strongest and biggest energy to the weakest and smallest.
Imagine these different energies showing as many different illusions. They show as different forms, sizes, colors and images; as galaxies, stars, suns, planets, lands, waters, plants, animals, humans, atoms etc.
Let's talk about the parts of this Unlimited Energy (Spirit)which show as human images. In our World Scene we have seen in the Past different human images, from the "human gods" to those who we call the "human evils".
But they all are only illusions (images) of the different energies of the same Source or Being. The Humans who have stronger energies feel like they are One with the Unlimited Energy of the Spirit. They feel like they are equal with it, and for that these humans feel Holy or as God.
But are they really so?
The Truth is that; there is nothing Higher and Bigger like the God of All, because even the strongest energy is seeing as a weak energy,from a higher point of view in the Unlimited Macrocosmos. So there is nothing equal, there is nothing that can be compared with the Unlimited Energy, the Unlimited Spirit. There is not such formula Human = God.
A human can be an unlimited microcosmos (half god), but he is a limited macrocosmos, a limited image or form, his energy is just a small part of the Unlimited Energy of the Spirit (God).
Other Humans (so called subhumans), who with their weaker, smaller energies dont feel holy or god, they are also the parts of the Energy of the Holy Spirit, parts of the Unlimit Being. So to Him they are all the same.
Finally we can say that; what we see as human images; called human god or not-god, are just small parts of the Energy of the same Being; parts of the Holy Spirit. And not just the humans images, but even the weakest energy that exists, the smallest image, it's a part of this Unlimited Spirit.
In some points of view looking from the microcosmos, the image with the smallest energy is infact seen big as a strong energy.
Example; Our Sun is very small image and weak energy inside the Light of the Galaxy,the Supergalaxy, the Universe, but the sun is also the biggest and the strongest Light and Energy in our Solar System.
The samething we can think and say for the other images in the Universe, images created from the biggest to the smallest energies of the Single Unlimited Energy of the Holy Spirit. So we can never judge the God.
This illusion (and duality) is the reason that the Unlimited Spirit has been seen and called in different names, sexes, images and presences (good or evil) in the Past. But the World of the Illusions is not True. And so is the whole Human History. It is just a Lie, is totally Wrong.
God is the only Truth. People are to small to know God; to understand Him. But they should know first themselves to know than God; the Truth.
There are energies that create and other energies that destroy in the Universe, in our World of the Illusions. When we see this Process happening in the Sky; in the galaxies and stars,we call it a normal natural process, but that is the same Natural Process that happening in our Life on Earth . They are One. Everything is part of an Illusion Life that change everywhere in the Universe's Scene, in the Unreal Scene of the different Images. And we as different images are all parts of it. We are just players of the Illusions Scene.
So let's contibue to play in the Life of the Images, but let's know that we are all small parts, small energies in it. Let's know what is going on in Our World Scene, let's know the Truth in it:
Let's know that we are all parts of the Unlimit Spirit, the God of All who lives everywhere. Let's know that we can grow our 'half god part', our microcosmos 's energies, our spirits, our minds, and unite all of them.
Now is the time for a Big Change and Rebirth. We all believe that the big transformations can happen. So let's change ourself and our world and be now in the World Scene as new images, as big players, as greater parts of the Unlimited Spirit, as higher energies in it, because where is more Energy, there is more Light, there is New Life, there is Rebirth.
Behold, a king will reign in righteousness, and princes will rule in justice. Each will be like a hiding place from the wind, a shelter from the storm,like streams of water in a dry place, like the shade of a great rock in a weary land.
Then the eyes of those who see will not be closed, and the ears of those who hear will give attention.
The heart of the hasty will understand and know, and the tongue of the stammerers will hasten to speak distinctly.
For a very long time in the Human History people have search for the God. They did find god almost everywhere in the past. In the End they had so many gods in their life and they asked; which of them is the true God? Their minds can not understand and know the Universality of One.
'There can not be so many gods', they thought ,'they can not be in every place and time'!
This strange logic was not just in their experience with the gods, but with the messiahs too, and with their many religions, ideologies, governments, communities, civilizations etc. 'There are so many in the World Scene'. They are many different images inside the World of Illusions (of Lies).
So finally people ask; What is the Truth? There can not be many truths but one Truth. People became confused of the Universality of many energies; many images, many colors and differences in their world, which looks now like a World Babylon. They see themselves now as they are all parts of a New Babel, the same as they were in the Past (in the Old Babel).
They know that "their different colors are parts of the Single Rainbow". They know that their Babylon (their Rainbow) is created by One Source, One Light, One Energy, One Power and that is the God of All, the Creator of All. They know that there is no other King but The GOD, the SPIRIT.
But they still hate and fight each other in the name of the God of All. How can this happen? How can they rebelle against the Creator of all images?
How can they judge Him, his Universality, his Power and Energy?
Because the God is the only Existence, and Designer, and Player in the Scene. He is the only True Presence out there, as an Unlimited Energy which look like different somethings.
The rest of us, everything; all images that we see and count are just illusions. The Human World doesn't even exist. This is a sad Truth, and it is to scary to even think it. But there is no other Truth.
Why? Because the Absolute Truth deletes all the illusions, lies ('truths') that people see and experience in their world Scene, inclueding themselves; their thoughts, feelings and acts who are infact just images of the different energies which are parts of the Single Energy; the Spirit.
There is a Single Power, a Single Truth which exist infact behind all the lies. It is to big for us to understand it, but this Power is the Holy Spirit, the God, the only existence, the only truth outthere.And that is absolute.
This Absolute Truth does destroy and "insult" with its presence, all other "truths; everything that is outthere, every player of the World Scene", a Faked Scene where did play the Long History of the Nothings, the History of the Illusions, the History of the Images, the History of the Lies.
The Absolute Truth is to much to be handle by the humans, who still do watch their Play without understanding that what they see and live, it is like reality of a movie scene full of the faked images showing in the wall (or on tv), an Image World created by a single source of light or energy, by a single 'Movie Projector' and Player which is the Unlimited Holy Spirit.
The Scene of the
World of Lies >
Humans only know and live in the reality of "this life -movie" playing in the World Scene.They are all 'brainwashed' as players of the Movie Scene.
They did watch it (the Movie) since they were born. They did grow up with it. They all think, feel and play for "real" in it. They watch and act in it with their "true"emotions; they cry and laugh in it. So they live inside the image of a faked reality which is the only reality which they see, listen, think and feel. They dont know that what they experience and live is not true. They will be shocked or confused if the Holy Spirit "the Projector" will stop playing their "Movie" and switch the "Light On" for a bit.
What will happen with people than? They will be confused.They will scream if their movie stop playng. Why?
Because they will lose the contact with their "reality" (Unreality).
They will feel scared and unhappy because the world of their illusions is now everything to them. If they lose that, they will feel totally destroyed. Their Ego and Pride will all collapse down and they will be shamed. They will be angry. They will Rebelle. Why will they do that?
Because they will think that; their Life was totally a Lie and that they are all nothings. They will see themselves very low and empy. They will feel that they are as dead; they will think that this it is the End of their History, their Big Lie.
But that low moment in the End will be not only their Exit from the Old World, but in the sametime it will be their Entrance, their Bridge, their Door, their Hole, their Path into the New World, because after an End it is always a New Beggining. This means that; they will be busy again with a new Reality of the Images, Illusions, but they will never feel the same; they will think differently.
They will know that everything that they thought was true, it was infact a lie, and that which they did not believe to be True, it was an Absolute Truth. So they will know God, themselves and the Truth and they will never be Fool again. They will not be blind and brainwashed as in the past; when they did believe and follow in the dark the old images; the illusions, the lies calling them; the relative truths (different truths).
So they will Change, they will light their darkness with their rebirth, their new growth, their new energies. They will live a New Life; they will reborn and reborn and reborn.
They will see and they will still watch the old and new images and feel and think about them, but they will KNOW finally the God; the TRUTH.
Now is the TIME.
Humanity talks often about a so called Time Zero and an Empty Space, Vaccum Space, but is there a real Zero (0) Time and Space ?
Of course not. They are just illusions which did "fool" us.
If we find a vaccum space in a point of the space in the microcosmos and we think that there is Zero Energy inside it, we are totally wrong, because that "empty" dark space is full of images; "galaxies, suns and planets",and looks almost the same as the Macrocosmos's space in our sky(heads). To witness that we have to imagine ourselves being smaller beings inside that space of the microcosmos that we call empty from the energy, or "vaccum or zero" space or point. So there is just One Unlimited Space, the rest are illusions, images, lies in it.
What about the Time Zero? What is it?
Mayans did call End of time, the end of the big Circle of Life, the end of 26.000 years. But the new circles start and their times are parts of the same Infinite Time. So there is only One Unlimited Space and Time and not many of them as we see,think and call them, with ends and beginings, starts and finish-s, zeros and billions. There is never a Zero Point( in Space and Time), but just One's, many one-s (which of course are illusions too). Zero doen't exist.
All these "ones" are parts of the Single Being, the Unlimited God of All, the real Nr 1.
That means that there is no two-s, three-s, four-s etc, because one-s are never similar but different (like "twins brothers" which look the same outside but they have internal differences).
But why did the Christ's Time start the counting and the calculating of a New Time, New Day, in the Year 1 AD?
Because that was like the Begining of a New Day for the world. As the New Day starts in the End of the Night, so did the Christ, the Light of the God show in the Morning of the New Day; as a Sign of the Morning Star image?
Which is the Morning star? Venus or the Sun.
So Jesus was like Venus, and the Christ, the Spirit inside him, was the Light of the Sun reflected from him. And who is the Sun of All?
The KING, the God of All.
The New Day starts before its Lighting; before the (Sun) Rising Time.
And there was not just Venus who did reflect the Light of the Sun in the Long Night, but it was the Moon too, and all other planets that people did worship as gods, because of the lights which reflected from them. But what lights did all of them reflect? Where did their lights come from? They all did reflect from the same Source, the Sun's Light (to light the Night), untill the Sun returns; until the Time of the King comes to shows Himself in the Horizon and bring the New Day.
For that there were many different reflected lights in the Night; there were many myths, religions, philosophies, arts and ideologies in the Past.
They were all different, but they came from the same source, the Sun's Light, which was indirect lighting and being so present in the Long Night keeping us alive; giving us life.
But when the Sun rises soon, there will be just One Dominance. And who will refuse Him?
Who will judge and tell to Him, who is the Boss, who is the King, who is in Charge? NO ONE.
Noone will ask, refuse, protest ; rebelle and "show" to the God the past lights reflected from Him, because everyone belong to Him; to the real Owner.
So who will say; I am with the Venus or the Moon or with the planets's lights and not with the Sun? Noone will be such stupid not to understand that all the lights came infact from the same source. So what is going on still now in the world is totally a Stupid Human Rebellion. It does happen still in the name of the God. But now is Time to stop the Rebellion. Now is the Time to KNOW the Truth and to Understand finally what is going on.
Can the Darkness, the Night win when the Light of the New Day starts? Not of course. So those who are inside the Dark Army will lose the Fight.
If we see the Circle of Life as a Wheel of the Life inside the constellations sings, than from the sign of Leo to that of Pieces, it was like the Night Time's Life; the "Under-world Life", and from the sign of Aquarius to Virgo is like the Day Life; the "Upper-world Life". So you have there two worlds; the Life of the "Dead" and the Life of the "Living". They are parts of One World (One 26.000 years Circle).
Untill now we are born and grow up in the Life of the " Dead", and so we are all as "dead" inside their grave, who soon will "wake up" and reborn.
The Day's Time is Longer than that of the Night. So the Morning of the New Day did already start in the year 1 AD.
Now we are in the year 2006, which is the Day Time, the Time of the Sun Rising which counts the New Day, the New Life and Light which destroy all the dark world,the Past Night; the World of the Dead (all of us).
So we are all lucky! But we are still dead, we did not rise yet; we are still sleeping and we can not see and understand how lucky we are. We are blind (we sleep with closed eyes, and we hide from the Light's Presence) to watch in the horizon the Sun Rising and Shining and Lighting all of us.
Remember; It was written that the "Sun comes in the clouds".
So we did not notice the Sun's Return. The thief has come. We are sleeping.
But we suppose to notice and understand his Coming, when there did show the Light, his Presence in the Horizon; His first waves of the Powerful Heat and Energy, which came as Army of the Light to fight the Darkness of the Long Night, before the Sun rises.
The first waves of the Light were the Movements that happened from the years 1700 untill now. They did not change the Darkness much, but when the King, the Sun shows behind the clouds, He will change the Night to the Day, right way, with no time to make a choice; to show or to hide from Him, and from His Heat and Fire, from His Dominant Light and Power. That will be the Revelation of the God, of the King who came hidden in the clouds.
Those who did fight as solders of the Army of the (Dead) Darkness, aganst the Light, will be all destroyed and become lights (its slaves)and they will transform to new beings, and be parts of the Day, the Life, the Light's Army. There is no other choice and fate.
So a New Golden Age will begin, where the Sun of the New Day, the God of All will dominate the world scene. And all this Story does make sense, because as there is Night and Day, Death and Life, Dark and Light, Moon (planets) and Sun, there is a Wheel of Life with its nonstop spining and all its natural changes. So humans will know that all their Life its part of the Universe's Life, a Natural Process, and there is nothing else to experince but the Life of our (God's) Wheel of Life. We are all parts of it, as witness and players in its history, its space and time.
And finally we will know the Real Truth. Finally we will see or Wake Up.
Now we act like we dont know the Truth. We are blind who still fight each other for God, religion, power and life. But the Long Fight now must stops. No more killing and destruction. No more World Human Rebellion.
No more talking and fighting about the past reflected lights, because the Sun will light direct to everyone. It is starting a Day Time now. It is Time to WAKE UP. There will be no Night, Cold and Dark for a very Long Time (for the next 13.000 years), but there will be just Light, Warmth, and Life.
The Truth is to dangerous to be knowing to the people who fight and kill for their gods and messiahs, religions and ideologies, nations and communities, civilizations and societies. The Truth does light like the Sun the whole world of the Lies, the World where the humans are born and grow up, live and die for. They do protect their world and they caan not let the Light eleminate their Darkness.
But the problem is that when the ew Day start the Night finish and theree is no way to stop the Rising of the Sun, even if you cover and put clouds in head or close your eyes. The Sun shines up in the Sky. We can not stop it lighting. So sooner or later humans will leave their caves.
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