Messiah of All
IS AN ENERGY ?IS A FORCE ?IS A SPIRIT ?IS A MAN ?IS A GOD ?The Time has come for the Humanity to experince a Big Change and Transformation which come from the leading role of the Messiah and the contribution of all nations and religious comunities under the name and the will of the same God, the Creator of All Humanity.MESSIAH OF ALL

"The Absolute", referred to as "The All".
The Absolute is the totality of things, all that is, whether it has been discovered or not. It is usually conceived of as a
unitary of the external
cosmos and internal
spiritual conscious — at least insofar as it can be acknowledged by the human mind — and as
intelligible. In some varieties of
philosophy, The Absolute describes an ultimate
being which is infinite God.
The word infinity comes from
Latin : "Infinito", unending.
infinity is considered to be not a number but a concept of increase beyond bounds.
The bounds of the forms and metaphores in space and time are illusions,and all these illusions are the manifestations of the God.
We humans are parts of the God, who show as different illusions in the world scene.
We are his many manifestations and we are all produced and changed by the energies inside and around us, which are parts of the God.
This means that there is nothing out the God.
Even what we call nothingness is God.
The nothing-s change us; create us,born and grow up us, and they age and "kill" us, kill our forms and illusions.
So what we call God is not only something big over us, but the smallest thing too, which we can ignore but it influences inside us as much as the God around us. If we think that we are a fixed point somewhere in the Unlimited Space, we are under the influences from all infinite dimensions around and inside us. When the Energy of the GOD , the space around us, works to change us, than we have no other choice but to change. The God is in other part of the Space too; in the Energy inside our being, in our microcosmos which works together with the Energy of the MacroCosmos.

They are One, so we can not escape from them. We are their "slaves".
We have no other choice but to transform and change. No one can refuse or stand to the Energies of the God from inside and outside us, their Oneness, their contact ; their creation and transformations in that place or the Space's point called - the Man, the Cave Man and his world who finally will change. Let there be Light in them.
The God of All is the only Being that exists

At present, the vast majority of humans are adherents of some religion, and this has been true for at least thousands of years. Human burials from between 50,000 and 30,000 B.C. provide evidence of human belief in an
afterlife and possibly in gods, although it is not clear when human belief in deities became the dominant view.
Some religions are
monotheistic and assert the existence of a unique god. In the English language, the
common noun "god" is equivalent to "deity", while "
God" (capitalized) is the name of the unique deity of
God of monotheism, or the supreme deity of henotheistic religions, the divine entity is not thought of by some believers in the same terms as deities -- as a powerful, human-like, supernatural being -- but rather becomes esoteric, the reification of a philosophical category -- the
Ultimate, the
Absolute Infinite.

God and His Light (Christ) is One and not just that, but all gods of all religions are One God.Imagine The Unlimited God as Unlimited Energy which lights all places, all lives, all people in all times. The people will tell you about these lights, energies, which they call gods, who came in their place and time,and it is a mentality that there were many gods, but these lights came from the same source; the God of All. He is the Light, Christ and all messiahs that were out there or are One; he is the Messiah of All. And this make sense.
What doesn't make sense?
The idea that only one light of the God is the true light.The idea that other lights of the God are lies or fake or untrue.
These ideas and mentality did kill the humans and destroy this small planet all the time. People use these lights of God as fire not just to watch their paths and light their life, but to destroy other humans around whos fires and lights were weakening or lost. These fires or lights, that God gave as "food" to the Humanity, did change the History untill there comes an End which show the source Himself, as a God, as a True Light and Fire who says; I Am the true Light. I Am the True God, who brought all the lights, the fires ( gods ) to you.
This Change and Revelation is like the Sun Rising, and brings the New Day to Humanity. The previus lights, fires did not change the Night to a Day. This Story we know well, we witness it in the sky. When is Night the Moon and planets shine and light us. We see these lights as separated sources, but that is just an illusion because the truth is that these lights are just reflections of the Light of the Sun, the same source, which tell the truth ( we dont know it) only after Sun shows in the Horizon and say; I Am the Light, I bring the New Day. In that moment all the lights that did show at Night in the sky are gone. Sun dominates the Scene and the Night changes to Day and there is One Source ( One God ) that lead the Life, change it and everything starts awakening, growing and reflecting the Light' Sun and colors. This is what happen comparing the religions in the past with the God, to show as the Sun of the New Day, New Kingdom.
If you say that there is a true Light that shine in the Night now; Jupiter or Venus or Moon or what ever, you are telling the truth but it is not complited, because the Sun is lighting through all planets and Moon, and not just through only one of them, or two of them ( as people think).
God is the Sun and all lights that we see in the sky in the Night and in the Day, all objects that light and dont light in it. In different point of view the object that doesn't light, can show as a lighting source from another point of view. We all know that a star lights, but we dont know that an atom lights too. But from some other point of view a star is like an atom, it is small and doesn't light. This means that the energy is everywhere but you have to see it not only from one or some points of view but from all seeing eye's point of view. God is not just the Sun that lights the Day but all the suns inside the Milky Galaxy, all the galaxies around our galaxy and everything that we see or we can not see. He is the Unlimited Energy and Being and He is everywhere in the Universe. This means that He is not just in one place and time and light or fire that light the scene around.
God is the Sun but God is the Earth too, the fire inside it and everything created in the earth's core, outside layer(our small world) . Everywhere He is present and says; I Am. So it is good not to put Him in a small box and say here is the God only, just for me. No . It is not true, you are mistaken because the God is everywhere, for everyone. Everything or being in the Universe can say; I Am, because the God is present and speaks inside everything, every being. There is nothing out the God of All in Macro and Microcosmos, which are one; I AM. So I am is like a saying; I exist, light or I live. This is what everything,every being says and does. We are all right when we say I am, but we are wrong when we say to others;You are not; I am.
Buddha did not talk much about the God of All, but at least he said; I am god.
Christ said; I am god, and he did talk about the God , but he said to some of his people you are like me, and to other people he said; you are not; I am.
Why did they not see the God everywhere? That was their missions to do, but now is a new Universal Mission where all gods are seeing as one; I AM, all messiahs are one; I am and all humans are one; I am. It is time to say that all of these are one; I AM. So there is only one winner in the End and He is; the God of All. That is the only true existence. The rest were his parts, his energies, his lights, his images. We are his images, but we are not Him,but He is us.
You have the light, what are you doing with it?
Messiah and the World Government under one God
A hundred years ago, there were very few demo- cracies and the idea of universal human rights did not exist. Even in the last two decades alone there have been a remarkable unification of political value systems: Liberal capitalistic democracy designed to guarantee basic human rights obtained a nearly universal support as the desired form of governance; International border disputes all but disappeared; Mass media became global, beaming detailed, uncensored, news stories to the most remote corners of the world; The Internet is providing free flow of idea, views and information between people of all nations, and the volume of international trade is growing exponentially. If the will to strengthen the current governance system towards a World Government would be strong enough, most of the WG characteristics could be in place in two or three decades.
Self interests of governments and nations would act to sabotage all attempts to establish World Government. Powerful countries, for example, would not agree to limit their freedom to act by subjecting their plans for approval by other countries. Furthermore, it is enough for a single government not to join, or comply with, a disarmament plan for the plan to collapse. Support for World Governmentis rooted in
mundialism, the view that all humans are interdependent members of a single global community, and
humanism, the view that all humans, regardless of ethnic and national association, deserve an equal degree of dignity and respect.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights is often referenced as the best expression of the most fundamental values motivating WG supporters.
A key motivator for seeking WG is the desire to see wars and the threat of a nuclear holocaust permanently eliminated. Other motivators include the establishment of more effective mechanisms to guarantee basic
human rights everywhere, and to address trans-national issues, such as the deterioration of the environment,
global warming,
pandemic, trans-national
terrorism and crime, etc. The rapid increases in international trade, communication and travel over the last few decades have resulted in corresponding increases in inter-dependency between nations.
Against the World GovernmentWG would require establishing a substantial and expensive bureaucracy. A global parliament representing six billion constituents or a global "cabinet" of government agencies would require substantial staffing. Such bureaucracy would be so far removed from the electorate or employed through patronage, it is more likely than not to be corrupt, inefficient, and to cater mostly to the powerful and rich who would solely have the means to influence decisions on such a huge scale.
The establishment of WG will accelerate the creations of a "monoculture", erasing the cultural diversity that enriches the arts and provides humanity with resilience and flexibility.
With global jurisdiction, the laws imposed by a WG would form a type of "global tyranny" from which there is no escape.

Some religious adherents view a world government (and, indeed, powerful international organizations in general) as antithetical to their religious views (e.g. fundamentalist Christians fear it would be organized or governed by the Antichrist, and that it would reenact the Tower of Babel history from Genesis).

If the Messiah of All comes how will he lead the today's world?

The only way to rule over the whole Humanity, the Messiah must create and lead with his World Government all Life on Earth under the God of All nations and religions, the New World Order.

There are people who are blind who lead the rest of the blind to their New World Order. Do they know that what is above is below too? Do they know that after the Night ends a New Day start? Do they know that humans can not do what God only can? Can the Darkness light? Can the blind see ? Can the servant be King and build and lead a New Kingdom ? NO.
Humans can't build and realize the Messiah's Mission; called them humanists or illuminated, internationalists or globalists. They will fight each other in the name of the Money, Man, Nation or in the name of God.
The Big Question is: What about if Messiah of All wants now to create a New Kingdom, the New World Order and rule under the power of the God of All, are the humans going to refuse and rebelle against the Messiah's Mission and the God's Will?

Therefore wait for me, declares the LORD, for the day I will stand up to testify. I have decided to assemble the nations, to gather the kingdoms and to pour out my wrath on them— all my fierce anger. The whole world will be consumed by the fire of my jealous anger.
Messiah comes to change the Dark World

'T was the night of the Geulah, -- And in every single Shtiebel Sounds of Torah could be heard -- Coming from every kind of Yeedel.
This one in English, -- Some in Hebrew, some in Yiddish. Some saying P'shat -- And some saying a Chiddish.
And up in Shamayim--The Aibishter decreed: "The time has come -- For My children to be freed. "Rouse the Moshiach -- From his heavenly berth.
Have him get in his chariot, -- And head down to earth. "The Moshiach got dressed -- And with a heart full of glee, Went down to earth and entered -- the first Shtiebel he did see.
"I am the Moshiach! -- Hashem has heard your plea! Your Geulah has come! -- It's time to go free! "They all stopped their learning; -- This was quite a surprise.
And they look at him carefully, -- With piercing sharp eyes "He's not the Moshiach!" -- Said one with a grin, "Just look at his hat, -- At the pinches and brim!" "That's right!" cried another -- With a grimace and frown, "Whoever heard of Moshiach, -- With a brim that's turned down?"
"Well," thought Moshiach, -- "If this is the rule, I'll turn my brim up -- Before I go to the next shul." So he walked right on over -- To the next shul in town. Sure to be accepted, -- Since his brim was no longer down.
"I'm, the Moshiach!" he cried, -- As he began to enter But the Jews wanted to know first -- If he was Left Right or Center "Your clothes are so black!" -- They cried out in fright. "You can't be Moshiach--You're much too far right!" "If you want to be Moshiach, -- You must be properly outfitted. "So they replaced his black hat -- With a Kippah that was knitted.
Wearing his new Kippah, -- Moshiach went out and said: "No difference to me -- What I wear on my head. "So he went to the next shul, -- For his mission was dear. But he was getting frustrated -- With the Yidden down hear.
"I'm the Moshiach!" he cried, -- And they all stopped to stare, And a complete eerie stillness -- Filled up the air. "You're the Moshiach?! -- Just imagine that! Whoever heard of Moshiach -- Without a black hat?" "But I do have a hat!" -- The Moshiach then said. So he pulled it right out -- And plunked it down on his head. Then the shul started laughing,
-- And one said " Where's your kop? You can't have Moshiach -- With a brim that's turned up! If you want to be Moshiach -- And be accepted in this town, "Put some pinches in your hat -- And turn that brim down!"
Moshiach walked out and said: -- "I guess my time hasn't come. I'll just return -- To where I came from. "So he went to his chariot, -- But as he began to enter, All sorts of Jews appeared -- From the Left, Right, and Center. "Please wait - do not leave. -- It's all their fault!" they said, And they pointed to each other -- And to what was on each other's head. Moshiach just looked sad -- And said, " You don't understand." And then started up his chariot -- To get out of this land. "Yes, it's very wonderful -- That you all learn Torah, But you seem to have forgotten -- A crucial part of our Mesorah.

"What does he mean?" -- "What's he talking about?" And they all looked bewildered, -- And they all began to shout. Moshiach looked back and answered, -- "The first place to start, Is to shut up your mouths -- And open your hearts. "To each of you, certain Yidden -- Seem too Frum or too Frei, But all Yidden are beloved -- in the Aibishter's eye."
And on his way up he shouted: -- " If you want me to come, Try working a little harder -- On some Ahavat Chinam!"
New Earth
There are many different kinds of
world governments that have been proposed. An argument often brought up in support of world government is that such an institution could have the power to prevent wars and establish world peace. Critics tend to focus on the question of whether world peace under the authority of a single government is a desirable goal.

World peace is a future ideal of
peace and
happiness among and within all nations. The realization of world peace may also make the idea of individual nations obsolete.Some
historians identify a long-term trend where
nation-states stop fighting and become united.
The Lost Light, the Lost Life & ParadiseThe word paradise is derived from the
Avestan word of pairidaeza (a walled enclosure), which is a compound of pairi- (around), a cognate of the Greek peri-, and -diz (to create, make). Sources as early as
Xenophon in his
Anabasis report the famed Persian "paradise" garden. The form of the word that is now understood as "heaven" or "something immensely pleasurable" is derived from the Greek paradeisos used in the
Septuagint to mean the
Garden of Eden. In the New Testament paradise meant
a paradise restored on earth.
The Messiah
Maimonides (Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon), in his commentary to tractate
Sanhedrin, of the
Babylonian Talmud writes:
"The Messianic age is when the Jews will regain their independence and all return to the land of Israel. The Messiah will be a very great king, he will achieve great fame, and his reputation among the gentile nations will be even greater than that of King Solomon. His great righteousness and the wonders that he will bring about will cause all peoples to make peace with him and all lands to serve him.... Nothing will change in the Messianic age, however, except that Jews will regain their independence. Rich and poor, strong and weak, will still exist. However it will be very easy for people to make a living, and with very little effort they will be able to accomplish very much.... it will be a time when the number of wise men will increase...war shall not exist, and nation shall no longer lift up sword against nation.... The Messianic age will be highlighted by a community of the righteous and dominated by goodness and wisdom. It will be ruled by the Messiah, a righteous and honest king, outstanding in wisdom, and close to God. Do not think that the ways of the world or the laws of nature will change, this is not true. The world will continue as it is. The prophet Isaiah predicted "The wolf shall live with the sheep, the leopard shall lie down with the kid." This, however, is merely allegory, meaning that the Jews will live safely, even with the formerly wicked nations. All nations will return to the true religion [monotheism, although not necessarily Judaism] and will no longer steal or oppress. Note that all prophecies regarding the Messiah are allegorical - Only in the Messianic age will we know the meaning of each allegory and what it comes to teach us. Our sages and prophets did not long for the Messianic age in order that they might rule the world and dominate the gentiles....the only thing they wanted was to be free for Jews to involve themselves with the Torah and its wisdom."
This principle is accepted by
Orthodox Jews whereas
Conservative Jews vary in their beliefs, some affirm a personal messiah, while others affirm a messianic era. "We do not know when the Messiah will come, nor whether he will be a charismatic human figure or is a symbol of the redemption of humankind from the evils of the world. Through the doctrine of a Messianic figure, Judaism teaches us that every individual human being must live as if he or she, individually, has the responsibility to bring about the messianic age. Beyond that, we echo the words of Maimonides based on the prophet Habakkuk (2:3) that though he may tarry, yet do we wait for him each day..." [Emet ve-Emunah: Statement of Principles of Conservative Judaism]
Reform Jews generally concur with this latter position; they are more likely to believe in a messianic era than a personal messiah.
Reconstructionist Jews reject the idea that God can send a personal messiah or bring about a messianic age, but they do teach that man can use the power or process to help bring about such a world.
Like Jews,
Christians use the word "messiah" to refer to the Davidic king promised to Israel. However, Christians believe that the messiah has already appeared, and that he was
Jesus of Nazareth. Since most Christians believe that Jesus was himself God incarnate, their understanding of the messiah as a Davidic king is often overshadowed by their understanding of Jesus as the revelation of God to humanity.
Jesus own words were these:But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.For whom was Jesus talking about? (in John 14,15,16)
For Himself?
For someone else?
For the Holy Spirit?
For someone to return?
He did say: "What they have heard me say doesn't really come from me, but from the Father who sent me". So the question is: Who is really talking to the people around Jesus? Who is coming back?Jesus said these words too: "I will talk to the Father, and he'll provide you another Friend so that you will always have someone with you. This Friend is the Spirit of Truth. The godless world can't take him in because it doesn't have eyes to see him, doesn't know what to look for. But you know him already because he has been staying with you, and will even be in you!
Who is saying these words: I will not leave you orphaned. I'm coming back.
Was the Holy Spirit talking like that?And where did he or will he come from?
Humanity is a mix of all nations and religions
Humanity today is a mix of many different nations and religions.
They all wait for their messiahs and worship their gods but the question is;
are there really so many different gods for every religion and nation?
Are there many messiahs to come out there?
If the Humanity was One Family in the Begining and there was One God
as the Creator of the First Man, than there is One Messiah too for All.
This means that there will not come many messiahs as nations and religious comunities are waiting for, but just One Messiah for All of them.

This means that there is One God over All nations and religions.In the past humans have believed and worshiped many gods, many messiahs.
They still believe in them, but now they have to believe and worship to One God, to
One Messiah, who did manifest as many....
It is time to Unite and Change the whole World and restore and rebuild the Temple Earth under the God of All who is the Messiah of All, as the Sun who lights the darkness of the world.

1. Believe in One God who is Creator of All nations, people and religions.
2. Love and care for your human brother anywhere on earth.
3. Dont kill, abuse, torture and steal other human being.
4. Love and care for the Earth, the waters,land and air.
5. Care for animals and plants the same as for yourself.
6. Love God and care for his Creation, not destroy it.
7. Love,care and respect yourself as a creation of the God.
There were many creations and different manifestations of the Creator of the Earth and of the Mankind.
God is the Sun of All who lights there for everyone in every place in this small planet.
The Question is:
When will the nations and religious comunities understand the Truth about the King of All, the God of All, the Messiah of All?

It looks like untill now they still wait for many messiahs and worship many gods. If they worship and wait for One,they were all united as a gathered Humanity. The fact is that they are all separated and lost.
They still hate and fight for their gods and messiahs. They even kill each other for them. For how long will the Mankind , the Evil rebelle?
The Time has come now to GO BACK home;
all different colors must gather as a Big Rainbow ready;
to enter the BRIDGE, where the Rainbow transforms to the Light again
I am the door. I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me. And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things.

"For then I shall turn a clear tongue to the nations to call all in the Name of the Lord and to worship him with one shoulder."
How is this? The entire world had become filled with the issues of the Anointed One and of the Torah and the Laws, and these issues had spread out unto faraway islands and among many nations uncircumcised in the heart, and they discuss these issues and the Torah's laws. They say: These Laws were true but are already defunct in these days, and do not rule for the following generations; whereas the other ones say: There are secret layers in them and they are not to be treated literally, and the Messiah had come and revealed their secret meanings.
When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.
Lift up your heads,
O you gates lift them up, you ancient doors
that the King of glory may come in
Who is he, this King of glory ?
The LORD Almighty— he is the King of glory
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